Testflinger server configuration options ======================================== The configuration values of Testflinger servers are read from environment variables. If you prefer to store the configuration in a config file, the config file should be sourced prior to running the server so that the values may still be read from the environment. .. list-table:: Testflinger server configuration options :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - ``MONGODB_USERNAME`` - Username for connecting to MongoDB * - ``MONGODB_PASSWORD`` - Password for connecting to MongoDB * - ``MONGODB_DATABASE`` - Name of the MongoDB database to use * - ``MONGODB_AUTH_SOURCE`` - Name of the database to use for authentication (Default: admin) * - ``MONGODB_HOST`` - Host or IP of the MongoDB server * - ``MONGODB_PORT`` - MongoDB port to connect to (Default: 27017) * - ``MONGODB_URI`` - URI for connecting to MongoDB (used instead of the above config options). For example: ``mongodb://user:pass@host:27017/dbname`` * - ``JWT_SIGNING_KEY`` - Secret key used for signing tokens with permissions for authenticated clients Example configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: shell # These values can be used in place of environment variables to configure # Testflinger. If MONGO_URI is not specified, then it will be built using the # other values specified MONGODB_USERNAME="testflinger" MONGODB_PASSWORD="testflinger" MONGODB_DATABASE="testflinger_db" MONGODB_HOST="mongo" MONGODB_URI="mongodb://mongo:27017/testflinger_db" JWT_SIGNING_KEY="my_secret_key"