Search Jobs

You can search for jobs based on the following criteria:
  • tags

  • state

Searching by Tags

Tags can make it easier to find related jobs later. For instance, tools like spread have a need to find currently running jobs so that they can be cancelled once they are done using those devices for their testing.

To add tags to a job submission, add a section like this with one or more tags in your job yaml:

  - myproject
  - client

Testflinger doesn’t use any of this information, but it makes it easier for you to search for those jobs later.

The search API allows you to search for jobs based on tags and state. To search for a jobs by tag, you can provide one or more tags in the query string:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/v1/job/search?tags=foo&tags=bar'

By default, the search API will return jobs that match any of the tags. To require that all tags match, you can provide the “match” query parameter with the value “all”:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/v1/job/search?tags=foo&tags=bar&match=all'

Searching by Job State

By default, the search API will match jobs in any state. To specify searching for jobs in a specific state, you can provide the “state” query parameter with one of the test phases:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/v1/job/search?state=provision'

You can also search specify more than one state to match against. Obviously, since a job can only be in one state at a given moment, the matching mode for this will always be “any”.

$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/v1/job/search?state=cancelled&state=completed'

To only search for jobs that have not been cancelled or completed, you can specify “active” for the state.

$ curl 'http://localhost:8000/v1/job/search?state=active'

Searching for jobs by state can be done with or without providing tags in the search query.